Indie band Standing Egg found itself in hot water after and accused of being pro-North Korean after posting a picture of a figurine of the country’s leader.

Image source – Facebook

On Sunday, indie band Standing Egg posted a picture of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on its official Facebook account. Although the main picture is not a real photo of the leader, rather a figurine made in his likeness, it has still landed the group in hot water.

The figurine sports the leader’s signature slick-back hairstyle and similar face, but dons a more hip-hop style. The figurine of Mr. Kim has a long black sweater with a picture of U.S. president Donald Trump on top of a white t-shirt. More, he has baggy grey pants and black, red, and white high-top sneakers.

Talkling about the post, the group wrote its apology that it was short-sighted and sincerely apologized for their action. However, the band also mentioned that the figurine was posted with information about the art piece, the title of the work,” KIM,” and the exhibition which currently displays it. As such, in thinking of it as art Standing Egg felt it was cute and witty.

Furthermore, they group distance itself from the possibility of being supporters of North Korea. “We didn’t think it was pro-North Korean and just accepted it as pop art with wit and satire,” it said. However, they do not shy away from the fact that this can rightfully be interpreted as being political.

“We never thought about what Kim Jong-Un is like and admit that we were politically ignorant,” the band said. Further, they also mentioned that given the political climate with the North and South meeting several times this year alone that the atmosphere and mood are tense and sensitive. As such, they wrote that they “deeply regret acting without thinking” before posting the photo.



Original article

Translated by O.C